Aug 31, 2012

Lunch Inspiration

Happy Friday, everyone! I've decided that Friday is Lunch Day here on Stay at Home Goddess. Every Friday morning you can check here for inspiration. I'll keep it quick and snappy. Just some pictures of yummy food.


Remember my last post where I didn't wake up before my kids? I was super groggy and I forgot about my latest obsession. I didn't take a picture of my daughter's lunch. I was all sad because I thought I would only have 3 pictures this week. Fear not though, fellow lunch packers. I still have four lunches this week! Monday, she had homemade lunchables, mandarin oranges, and olives. It was very unoriginal. I was tired!


Chicken salad sandwich on wheat. A great way to use up leftover chicken! Apples with peanut butter to dip, raisins, and pickles. A little lemon juice is all you need to keep your apples from turning brown. She drank milk with this, so that was her dairy for the meal.  

Aug 29, 2012

5 Reasons to Wake-Up Before Your Kids

I love sleep. I love sleep in a way that if I don't get it  no one around me is having much fun. The kind of love that means I could sleep 13 hours and feel just fine about it. If me and sleep had a thing going, it would be pretty hot and heavy. The reality is, I have two kids so sleep and I are only semi-aquainted. We enjoy our time together, but sometimes it's a smile and wave in passing kind of deal. There is always a longing for more. The lack of attention from sleep has turned me towards a passionate love affair with coffee. A girl has to get her fix somewhere.

This being said, if I love sleep so much why am I about to spout off about why you should give up more of it? My daughter recently started kindergarten and I decided I would be up before her every single morning. I'VE DONE IT, TOO! Sorry...I didn't mean to obnoxiously yell at you. This is just a big achievement for me. I've stuck to my word and woke up 30 minutes before her. Today I didn't and the result was a morning that chugged along, everyone rubbing the sleep from their eyes, sparing no sympathy for the tireness of the others around them.

I'm pretty sure I'm onto something here by giving up my extra 30 minutes of sleep and I'll tell you why.

Aug 27, 2012

Back To School Lunch Ideas

It's the moment I've been waiting for. My big debut and I'm completely excited. How can someone be so excited over lunches? I have no clue, but I've been ridiculously excited over making lunches for my little kindergartner. The first school supplies I bought were ones for packing lunch. Like I said, I'm ridiculous about it.  Here is what I've packed for my daughter for the past two weeks that she has been in school.

Ham and cheddar roll-ups, homemade cornbread, carrots and cucumbers,
fruit salad with strawberries, blueberries and kiwi.

Ham, cream cheese, and cucumber wrap, carrots, string cheese, pickles ,
kiwi and grapes. 

Ham and cheddar roll-ups, carrots, cheese crackers, kiwi, blueberries,
Fig Newtons.

Aug 20, 2012

A Blog Is Born

Woohoo, right? Yippee blog number two million and two is born! That's probably a serious understatement, anyway. I have been tossing the idea around in my head for a while now. Eventually, I just decided that I'm freaking hilarious and amazing and the world needs more Cindy. Now, here you have it. I'm here on your internet machine telling you how to be as awesome as me. You know you like it. Just follow along (*cough* subscribe) and try to keep up.

What do I have to share? Well, I've been a stay-at-home mom for the past five years. I've taught myself how to cook and if you ask me, my family or my friends, they'll tell you I'm pretty good at it. My newest adventure is packing lunches for my kindergartner. I'll be sharing those because, well, it's cool to do on a blog but not so cool on Facebook. The gears in my head are constantly spinning with how to keep my home functioning at it's best. I thrive on order and routine, but I only kind-of have the discipline to maintain it. So, my type of organization, cleanliness, and routine needs to be seamless. It's the only way it works for me. When my idea is good, you know I'll share! Basically, if it applies to being an at-home mom I'm going to talk about it.

So, that's it. I have so many ideas and couldn't decide where to start, but now I have. Movin' on. Basically, I just want to play with pretty fonts. ;-) Come back later for more awesomeness.

Awesomeness and hugs,