Aug 20, 2012

A Blog Is Born

Woohoo, right? Yippee blog number two million and two is born! That's probably a serious understatement, anyway. I have been tossing the idea around in my head for a while now. Eventually, I just decided that I'm freaking hilarious and amazing and the world needs more Cindy. Now, here you have it. I'm here on your internet machine telling you how to be as awesome as me. You know you like it. Just follow along (*cough* subscribe) and try to keep up.

What do I have to share? Well, I've been a stay-at-home mom for the past five years. I've taught myself how to cook and if you ask me, my family or my friends, they'll tell you I'm pretty good at it. My newest adventure is packing lunches for my kindergartner. I'll be sharing those because, well, it's cool to do on a blog but not so cool on Facebook. The gears in my head are constantly spinning with how to keep my home functioning at it's best. I thrive on order and routine, but I only kind-of have the discipline to maintain it. So, my type of organization, cleanliness, and routine needs to be seamless. It's the only way it works for me. When my idea is good, you know I'll share! Basically, if it applies to being an at-home mom I'm going to talk about it.

So, that's it. I have so many ideas and couldn't decide where to start, but now I have. Movin' on. Basically, I just want to play with pretty fonts. ;-) Come back later for more awesomeness.

Awesomeness and hugs,

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