Sep 24, 2012

My Sunday Tradition

I thoroughly enjoy cooking. Not the kind of cooking where you throw a few ingredients into a slow cooker and you're done. I do that because I have to. It's in the job description. A family has to eat! What I enjoy is the the task of putting together a full meal where the flavors go together perfectly. I love a cutting board full of perfectly chopped and minced veggies. I enjoy putting the effort into meals that take plenty of effort.

A pot of soup that has been simmering on the stove for hours with a pan of homemade rolls rising next to it makes my heart happy. Especially if I have a delicious pan of brownies in the oven, too. Watching my family enjoy something that I worked so hard on is the best part. Well, I'm not going to lie, I love eating it too. I'm a big fan of my own cooking! 

This is not something I do every day, though. Who has time for that? If you do, I'm jealous. I try to make delicious meals on weekdays, but they are mostly kid-friendly fare with tons of shortcuts. We all eat at separate times and my kids usually don't eat much dinner, anyway.  I'd rather do other things than cook on a weekday. 

But, Sunday. Oh, Sunday. It's the best day. We are all together and hardly do anything. We sit in our pajamas most of the day. It's a day of rest and family time. It's also the day I use to pursue my favorite hobby. I have declared Sunday dinner to be Special Sunday Dinner. 

Special Sunday Dinner is the new tradition in my home. I plan a special meal and always finish it off with a dessert. My kids are getting to the age where they are going to start remembering traditions and looking forward to them. I want them to look back fondly on Sundays. I want memories of sitting around the table using the nice plates. I want them to remember how they always got to help cook dessert. How the house always smelled amazing and I was in the kitchen cooking while they spent time with their dad. When the kids are grown, I want them to know there will always be a good meal at my home on Sundays. I do it for the pure enjoyment of it and for the memories I'm creating.

I'm not telling you all this to brag. This isn't a fabulous tradition that I've come up with out of my own brilliance. I know many families out there do the same thing. I'm going to be blogging about my Special Sunday Dinners from now on. It'll be a way of sharing recipes, help you plan, and maybe inspire you. I'm still finding my niche as a blogger, and since this is a big part of my week, I want to share it with you. 

Watch for my posts. I will have them out most Mondays or Tuesdays at the latest. Life is life and I get busy sometimes. It will be in plenty of time for you to plan for your next special meal.

As always, thanks for coming to my blog.

Warm and Fuzzy Hugs,

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